While the term psycho-acoustic medicine may be relatively new in our world, the practices of using sound and frequencies to impact the physical and emotional health of the body has been used since the beginning of time. From Gregorian chants in churches, to the chanting of Tibetan monks, to Native American drumming, song and sound […]
Best Practices
The Most Incredible Ways To Raise Your Vibration
When it comes down to it, the most important thing we can to do help transform ourselves and the world for the better is to raise our own vibration. As it has been stated by numerous indigenous teachers in the past and confirmed by quantum physics today, everything is connected by a unified vibratory field. […]
Relieve Stress With Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies
Yoga, meditation and…Solfeggio frequencies? While the first two practices to relieve physical and emotional stress are well known, using the Solfeggio frequencies is a third practice many are now including in their daily rituals and routine. To science it is known that sound, which is a vibration, creates an effects on our cells. Just as […]
How To Create A Toxin-Free Home
Living a healthy life is not just about eating well, exercise, connection with others and the thoughts you think and words you speak, it’s also about the environment you choose to be in. With the home where many people spend much of their 24 hour day, it only makes sense for us to ensure we […]
Why You Should Opt-Out of Airport Body Scanners
Recently I was traveling and needed to fly to and from my destination, which required me to visit my local airport. Instead of passing through the body scanner, I told the TSA agent standing there that I was “opting out.” Earlier this year I was told by someone that I should consider “opting out” of […]
6 Ways Gratitude Can Improve Your Life and Make You Happier
“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness—it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” ~Brené Brown For the longest time I sought after happiness in the wrong place, and I wasn’t always leading with my heart to obtain joy. I used to picture myself living in a […]
Grassroots Revolution Towards a Holistic and Creative Educational System
“Reform is not enough anymore. Because that’s simply improving a broken model. What we need, and the word’s been used many times in the course of the past few days, is not evolution, but a revolution in education. This has to be transformed into something else.” – Sir Ken Robinson Mr. Robinson spoke these words […]
The Global Movement To Offer Free Yoga To All Veterans
Last evening my girlfriend and I were watching a documentary called “Free The Mind,” which followed a group of Iraqi War veterans who were suffering from PTSD along with a child who had extreme anxiety and nervous behavior. The veterans underwent a 7 day course of breathing exercises and yoga movements, which yielded remarkable results. […]
Cancer, Organic Food and Health
A major revolution in the western healthcare, pharmaceutical and cancer industries is occurring and the movement is reaching the critical mass point. More people now than ever are researching and learning for themselves how to use nutrition to regain and maintain optimal health. People are realizing that a synthetic pharmaceutical drug, as advocated by many […]