Is it too good to be true? Is the world actually becoming more peaceful? With the advancement in technology and the rise of alternative media continuing to spread, we are now witness to many things we previously were not. With that, some might reject the statement that the world is becoming a more peaceful place, […]
Relieve Stress With Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies
Yoga, meditation and…Solfeggio frequencies? While the first two practices to relieve physical and emotional stress are well known, using the Solfeggio frequencies is a third practice many are now including in their daily rituals and routine. To science it is known that sound, which is a vibration, creates an effects on our cells. Just as […]
Former Enemy Tribe Unifies in Peace With Standing Rock
“This is something unbelievable. This display of unity and the power of coming together is unbelievable. No words can properly describe the feeling. For example just this morning our traditional enemies the Crow came to the camp here to stand in solidarity with us. And we welcomed them with Open Hearts. That was a power […]
Raising Health and Consciousness with Fulvic Acid
Perhaps you’ve heard of the health and consciousness promoting supplement being talked and written about in the holistic health community called fulvic acid. One of the foremost experts in organic soil science is Dr. William Jackson, said, “If the Creator felt that it was necessary to design something to solve multiple problems, and if this […]
6 Ways Gratitude Can Improve Your Life and Make You Happier
“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness—it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” ~Brené Brown For the longest time I sought after happiness in the wrong place, and I wasn’t always leading with my heart to obtain joy. I used to picture myself living in a […]
Raising Health and Consciousness With Geometrically Structured Water
We have all probably heard references to our body consisting of about two thirds water. Obviously then, consuming the highest quality water is of utmost importance in regards to maintaining vibrant health and raising our consciousness. Though I will not recommend any products personally, let’s explore a topic on water that has been gaining some […]
The Inevitability of Peaceful Revolution
6th March 2015 By Lance Schuttler The victory drums, to the tune of Maurice Ravel’s “Bolero,” are now commencing with the crescendo as this writing goes to press. Everywhere in our world we are now seeing the awakening of humanity speed up. We are seeing massive rallies against corruption and rallies for peace spread. We are […]